The Facets of Īmān

June 12, 2024
Book Reviews

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: “Iman has 73-79 facets” (Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim).

In his phenomenal work, Fayd al-Bari 1:152, Shaykh Anwar Shah Kashmiri rahimahullah expressed his desire for someone to compile the facets of Īmān using the Qur’ānic verses and aḥādīth.

His student Ml Idris Khandelwi wrote a book titled Tuḥfah al-Ikhwān wherein he compiled these facets with a brief explanation to each. He begins his treatise by quoting the Qur’anic verse:

“Have you not seen how Allah has set forth a parable: A good word (the kalimah) is like a good tree, having its root firm and its branches in the sky” – Qur’ān 14:24

Thus, linking the facets of Īmān with the parable in the Qur’ān of the strongly rooted tree. 

Alḥamdulillah, the Islamic Knowledge team have taken this great work and made an infographic expressing the Tree of Īmān with all its facets. The actions of the heart are the roots of the tree as although they are hidden, they are the most important much like the tree’s roots are to the tree. The bark and branches are the actions of the tongue without which the tree does not stand, and the leaves are the actions of the body, without which the tree looks bare.

Let us look at this tree and ponder, how does the tree of my Īmān look? Are the roots of my Īmān firmly anchored? Are the bark and branches of my Īmān steadfast? Are the leaves of my Īmān vibrant?

Note: the pdf of the poster below is perfect for printing and placing in a Maktab/Madrasah!


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