Course Overview
Over a period of 20 lessons, we will go over this foundational primer in ḥanafī Uṣūl al-Fiqh, which is perfect for beginners. Beginning with an introduction to fiqh – showing how fiqh comes before the law – and the history of usul al-fiqh, the course then dives into the discussion on khāṣ, ām, mushtarak, mu’awwal, ẓāhir, naṣṣ, mufassar, muhkam, khafī, mushkil, mujmal, mutashābih and so on. We then cover the Sunnah, Ijma’ and Qiyas. All lessons are linked with contemporary discussions. For example, in our discussions on Sabab, ʿIllah and Sharṭ, we discuss the treatise of Muftī Shāfī ʿUthmānī on assisting in sin and its response by Dr. Ṣalāḥ Abu’l Ḥāj. The entire course is based upon Muftī Saʿīd Aḥmad Pālanpūrī raḥimahullah‘s Mabādi’ al-Uṣūl, but draws upon the works of Mullā Jīwān raḥimahullah and Al-Sarakhsī raḥimahullah (d.483 AH).
Course instructor: (Muftī) Muadh Chati
Course Duration: 20 Lessons
Course Fee: £70