Course Overview
In this unique course, consisting of 13 lessons with detailed PowerPoints, students will embark on the journey of ʿumra and ḥajj with the Prophet ṣallallahu ʿalayhi wasallam. By retracing those blessed steps taken by the Prophet ṣallallahu ʿalayhi wasallam in the performance of ʿumrah and ḥajj, this course teaches us the wisdoms, beauty and virtues of performing ʿumrah and ḥajj. We then study the ʿumrah and ḥajj of the Prophet ṣallallahu ʿalayhi wasallam himself as well as the fiqhi rulings involved in ʿumrah and ḥajj according to the ḥanafī madhhab. Based upon multiple sources, the course is fully referenced to books of ḥadīth, fiqh and tafsīr and is the ideal course companion for anyone performing ḥajj or ʿumrah.
Course instructor: (Muftī) Zayd Imran
Course Duration: 13 Lessons
Course Fee: £15

Course Curriculum
What is Ḥajj? Why is it Fard?
The Prophets Sets Off From Madīnah and the Iḥrām of the Prophet
The History of Ḥajj and Its Wisdoms
The Prophet’s Journey Continues
The Prophet Enters Makkah and His Ṭawāf
The Prophet’s ʿUmrah, Stay in Makkah, Preparation for Minā, Travel to Minā and Travel to ʿArafah
The Sermons of the Prophet in ʿArafah, Journey to Muzdalifah and Return to Minā
The Prophet’s Pelting, Sacrifice, Shaving ad Ṭawāf al-Ziyārah
The Prophet’s Journey Back to Madīnah
How to Prepare for ʿUmrah and Ḥajj
Method of ʿUmrah Part 1: Rulings of Iḥrām and Mīqāt
Method of ʿUmrah Part 2: Ṭawāf and Shaving
Method of Ḥajj
Asalamualaykum Dear Ulema who have constructed this course for us.
Adam Ibrahim
Just wanted to say a big Jazakallah , it has honestly been an incredible course. I feel like the way Mufti Sahib has explained everything has allowed me to envision Allah’ Nabi sallallahu Alayhi wa salaam performinh Umrah and Hajj. It had been a very spiritual , informative and easy way to learn how to perform Umrah and Hajj.
‘ISLAMIC KNOWLEDGE’ My heartfelt duas to you for this invaluable opportunity in helping my understanding and appreciation for the significance of hajj. I had not anticipated at all that any course could ‘move me’ in such an emotional yet uplifting way. There were moments when partaking that my feelings and visual imagination of our prophet pbuh hajj felt so real, its unexplainable. It may be Allah has not called me as yet but my humble duas will continue in seeking to be blessed with travel to Allah house. To all my dear sister hujjaj who have partook on this training and will be leaving soon. May this the most blessed and beneficial time of your life, If you remember please make duaa for the ummah of prophet Muhammad pbuh, fir us all to fulfill our obligations in the most beautiful manner too. May Allah bless you and your loved ones with a blessed hajj, a safe return and Hajj Mabrur inshaAllah
Zuleikhan Chothia
This course has been brilliant, thorough and so in depth! JazakAllah for all the resources and the recordings. The time that has spent in the prepping for this course, only the ones behind it know. I pray Allah rewards everyone behind Ik courses for every second spent in prepping to deliver an intense journey. A massive JazakAllah for answering all of our questions! We definitely got so much more than we paid for honestly. Can’t wait to join more courses in the future iA.
May Allah accept the hajj of those who have been called and call all of us who are waiting patiently 🤍
Maariyah Mulla
Jzk khair what an amazing course step by step, ia will make my Hajj so much more meaningful may alllah reward you in this world and in the hereafter
Tasneem Adam