Course Overview
The purpose of this course is to study the chapters of Mu’amalat from Bidayat al-Mubtadi at a very advanced level, focusing on the following throughout the study:
- The Fiqh philosophy of each chapter within Fiqh al-Mu’amalat.
- The principles that govern every chapter with Fiqh al-Mu’amalat.
- Explanation of every ruling and legal case.
- The principles behind each ruling and legal case.
- Understanding the workings and principles of the Hanafi Madhhab in relation to Mu’amalat.
- Developing workable and practical frameworks for each chapter.
- Implementing learnings and principles to contemporary scenarios and issues.
- Extrapolating classical principles to contemporary practices and contemporary transactions.
- Understanding Islamic Finance from the classical texts.
- Applying classical and authoritative Fiqh principles to address contemporary problems.
- Kitabul Buyu’ (The Book of Commercial Transactions)
- Bab Khiyar al-Shart (Chapter: Stipulated Option)
- Bab Khiyar al-Ru’yah (Chapter: On Sight Option)
- Bab Khiyar al-Ayb (Chapter: Option of Defect)
- Bab Bay Fasid (Chapter: The Fasid (invalid) Sale)
- Bab Iqalah (Chapter: revoking of contract)
- Bab Murabaha wa Tawliyah (Chapter: Murabaha (Cost-Plus Sale) and Tawliya (Cost Sale)
- Bab Riba (Chapter: Interest)
- Bab Huquq (Chapter: Rights)
- Bab Istihqaq (Chapter: entitlements)
- Bab Salam (Chapter: Pre-paid sale)
- Kitab Sarf (Chapter: Money exchange)
- Kitab Kafalah (Chapter: Guarantee)
- Kitab Hawalah (Chapter: Assignment)
- Kitab Wakalah (Chapter: Agency)
- Kitab Sulh (Chapter: Settlement)
- Kitab Mudarabah (Chapter: Mudarabah)
- Kitab Wadiah (Chapter: Custody)
- Kitab Ariyah (Chapter: Borrowing)
- Kitab Hibah (Chapter: Gifting)
- Kitab Ijarah (Chapter: Leasing)
- Kitab Shirkah (Chapter: Partnership)
- Kitab Waqf (Chapter: Waqf)
- Kitab Hajr (Chapter: interdiction)
- Kitab Ghasb (Chapter: Appropriation)
- Kitab Shuf’ah (Chapter: pre-emption)
- Kitab Qismah (Chapter: distribution)
- Kitab Muzara’ah (Sharecropping
- Kitab Musaqat (irrigation Sharecropping)
- Kitab Ihya Mawat (Revivification of Dead Lands)
- Kitab Zakat
- Kitab Wasayah (Bequest)
- Kitab Laqit (Chapter: Foundling)
- Kitab Luqata (Chapter: Lost Item)
- Kitab Mafqud (Chapter: Missing Person)
- Kitab Ibaq (Chapter: Fugitivity)
- Kitab Ma’dhun (Chapter: Authorised Slave)
- Kitab Karahiya (Chapter: Permissible and Impermissible)
Course Instructor: (Mufti) Faraz Adam
Course Duration: Every Monday 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm UK time (year 1 out of 3)
Course Start: September 9th 2024
Course Fee: £180 one-time payment or £20 per month for 12 months